Dual Three Card Tarot Reading


Over the years, the Tarot has retained its' credibility as a proven method to read the energies of a person's situation, personality, and probable future. Kabbalistic studies, initiated in Ancient Hebrew societies, incorporated the study of Tarot into all of the training of initiates and adepts. Some metaphysical scholars have even traced the use of the Tarot back to Atlantean and Lemurian times. For instance, Hermetic tradition dates the Tarot cards back 35,000 years!

This is a very useful spread that uses a dual approach to answer your questions: the first introduces a problem or decision focused approach, "Context - Focus - Outcome" and the other a timeline approach, of "Past - Present - Future." Together, these provide deep insight and suggestions for action. You will receive a beautiful graphic representation of your reading with your interpretation.

Problem Solving or Decision Making Approach

This spread will help you to learn to apply the tarot to figure out how to approach a problem or decision. This is easiest when you let your ego and conscious mind relax, and allow your Higher Self to speak to you through the cards Rajuna draws.

Timeline Approach

This part of the spread will help you to learn to apply the tarot to help you to explore the forces that are influencing you, by looking at the past, present and future energy around you.

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This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 16 September, 2012.

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