So many people exist in survival mode. We all walk a tight rope these
days, gingerly working to keep a steady upper hand on our whirlwind
lives. Little time or energy is devoted to relaxation, rejuvenation, or
growth. A holistic balance is needed to truly feel joy and to live a
meaningful life. Learning to ground, collect, and to stabilize your
energy will make a big difference in your life.
In virtually every person's life, there are three life areas that need
to be balanced: your personal self, your home life and your work life.
Balance is a key ingredient of wholeness. It means an even keel, but not
a static non-changing one. When you are balanced, you are anchored in
yourself, aware of your purpose, plan and vision for your life and your
loved ones. It may seem too difficult, but life can be rearranged to
allow time for everything that is truly important to you.
This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 16 September, 2012.