Mystical Readings

Psychic ReadingsAccurate and personalized readings by Rajuna using a variety of mediums, including Astrology, Numerology, Guides and Totems, Life Path, and more.

Rajuna has provided accurate, soul-guided readings since the early 1970's. Combined with her PhD study, and Masters degree, Rajuna uses her deep insight into human motivations, aspirations, and needs to help you explore your current situation and plan your best course of action for a prosperous and joyful future.

Rajuna studied with the Rosicrucians for 9 years, is a distant energy healer, and has researched the use of Art, Music and Sound for healing and affecting states of consciousness. Her Master's thesis was on Soothing Music and Newborn States of Consciousness. She has trained in female mysteries, Earth attunement, astrology, tarot, runes, sacred geometry, self-hypnosis, visualization, numerology, Angel, crystal and past life reading. She helps others develop their psychic and holistic abilities; discover the reasons for their concerns, and plan for self-development, healing and wholeness

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Balance and Energy Reading

Balance and Energy Reading

So many people exist in survival mode. We all walk a tight rope these days, gingerly working to keep a steady upper hand on our whirlwind lives....


Dimensional Integration Reading

Dimensional Integration Reading

Scientists, especially quantum physicists, are beginning to realize that the universe is comprised of many dimensions. The world as we know it rises...


Fulfilling Relationships Reading

Fulfilling Relationships Reading

Relationships have become known as "the Yoga of the Western World", requiring focus, intent, allowing, and flow to successfully weather the...


Life Path Reading

Life Path Reading

Explore the Life Path planned by your Higher Self before you were born! Do you wonder if you have found the ultimate Path you are meant to travel? We...


Numerology Analysis

Numerology Analysis

Order a Comprehensive Analysis of your 15 critical sets of (in Kabbalist, Chaldean and Pythagorean modes) numbers. Learn to use the energies of your...


Runes Reading

Runes Reading

Comprehensive, personal, prophetic, insightful. Personal, Marriage or Compatability or Soul Readings. Amazingly accurate! The Rune stones originate...


Spiritual Development Reading

Spiritual Development Reading

It is a very real human need to make a connection between our manifest physical world and our ethereal Spiritual worlds. If we really want to, we can...


Tuning into a Beloved Pet Reading

Tuning into a Beloved Pet Reading

Our animal comrades are in our lives for a reason. It is not coincidence that you found and adopted your current or past pets - the two of you have a...


Tuning into Abundance Reading

Tuning into Abundance Reading

In our current times, too many people are forced to accept austerity and a constant 'lack' of resources in their lives. Our current social systems...


Earth Energy Reading

Earth Energy Reading

Personalized insightful Readings focused on your ties with the Magic of Earth, vortexes, leylines and energy. Your local area is dowsed and attuned...


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